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​"Education is the most powerful weapon
which  you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Girl by the Tree

Goals and Benchmarks of the English Program:

Daily lesson plans and preschool activities will be designed to help children reach achievement in the following areas.  


1. Language Development.

2. Literacy.

3. Mathematics,

4. Science,

5. Physical Health

6. Creative Arts

7. Social and Emotional Development

8. Social Studies


 1. Language Development


A. Listening and Understanding

  •Understands and follows a two- to three step process

  •Understands conversations, stories and songs

  •Attentive listening behaviors

  •Responds to questions


B. Speaking and Communicating

   •Uses language to convey needs, ideas and emotions

   •Initiates conversations with peers and adults

   •Uses language to describe objects, places and experiences

   •Retells recent and past experiences

   •Acquires and uses new words


2.  Literacy


A. Phonemic Awareness

  •Explores letter/sound connections

  •Makes Rhymes

  •Growing awareness of beginning and ending sounds of words


B. Print Awareness

  •Models correct reading behavior

  •Differentiates between letters, numbers and pictures

  •Demonstrates alphabetic knowledge

  •Uses left-to-right and top-to-bottom direction of text


C. Reading

  •Responds to literature with enjoyment and independently looks at books

  •Recalls information from stories in sequential order

  •Answers story-related questions and asks relevant questions

  •Uses picture cues to predict story events


D. Writing

  •Observes and mimics the writing process

  •Uses scribbles, drawings, shapes and letter-like symbols to represent thoughts, stories and ideas

  •Expresses ideas or stories through dictation

  •Begins to match sounds with letters

  •Begins to copy, write and recognize own name



3.  Mathematics


A.  Numeration and Operation

   •Begins to identify numbers 1 through 10 and beyond

   •Begins to count in numerical order

   •Demonstrates one-to-one correspondence

   •Begins to understand simple addition and subtraction


B.  Patterns, Functions and Algebra

    •Identifies, creates and copies a simple pattern

    •Develops basic sequencing skills

    •Sorts, matches and classifies common attributes


C. Geometry

    •Begins to recognize, identify and draw basic shapes

    •Recognizes shapes in the environment

    •Develops ability to put together and take apart shapes

    •Explores symmetry


D. Measurement

 •Manipulates and explores measurement tools

 •Experiments with basic concepts of measurement

 •Develops an understanding that events can be ordered according to sequence (months, days of the week,    seasons and vocabulary such as yesterday, today and tomorrow)

 •Begins to develop concepts of time using tools such as calendars and clocks


E. Logic

  •Recalls from memory

  •Uses reasoning strategies to solve problems

  •Creates independent solutions to a problem

  •Attempts to put puzzles together.



4.  Science


A.  Weather and Seasons

 •Recognizes and identifies the four seasons

 •Develops an awareness and knowledge of weather

 •Develops awareness of vocabulary associated with weather


B.  Living Things

 •Identifies living things and explains their basic needs

 •Observes and explores the concept of change in people, plants and animals, and their environments

 •Discriminates and classifies between living and nonliving things using appropriate vocabulary

 •Builds awareness of the life cycle


C. Environment

  •Develops an awareness and appreciation of the environment

  •Practices habits of recycling and reusing


D. Hypothesis/Experimentation

  •Asks questions, makes predictions and shares ideas

  •Explores science using five senses to make educated guesses

  •Explores and manipulates basic science tools (magnifying glass,eyedropper)

  •Uses the scientific process to investigate.



5. Physical Health


A.  Health

 •Practices healthy hygiene habits

 •Develops an awareness of nutrition and healthy life choices

 •Develops an appreciation of their body

 •Develops in physical growth, strength and flexibility

 •Engages in activities that encourage physical fitnes


B.  Safety

  •Practices safety rules.

  •Develops ability to differentiate between safe and dangerous behavior


C.  Fine Motor

  •Develops hand muscle strength, control and dexterity

  •Develops eye-hand coordination

  •Explores and manipulates tools such as pencils, paintbrushes, scissors and crayons


D.  Gross Motor

   •Develops balance and control when moving in ways such as jumping, running, walking and climbing

   •Demonstrates coordination when throwing, catching, swinging and kicking



6.  Creative Arts


A.  Art

 •Explores color, line, shape, form and texture

 •Discovers an appreciation of the process of creating an artistic project

  •Cultivates artistic abilities using various mediums


B.  Music

 •Participates in songs, rhymes and poems

 •Uses songs, rhymes and poems to enhance language development

 •Explores patterns of rhythm and beat.


C.  Movement

 •Follows two- to three-step directions while participating in movement activities

 •Participates in cross-lateral transfer activities

 •Demonstrates body control by responding to tempo changes such as fast or slow and stop and go

 •Demonstrates ability to move body parts in a rhythmic pattern.


D.    Dramatic Play

 •Participates in dramatic play activities

 •Utilizes a variety of objects in dramatic play, exhibiting growth in imagination and creativity

 •Explores components of dramatic play

 •Discriminates between reality and fantasy.



7.  Social and Emotional Development


A.  Emotional Development

 •Uses appropriate social behavior (self-regulation, interactions with peers and adults, follows rules, and

   respects the property of others and self)

 •Demonstrates growing confidence in personal abilities and self direction

 •Demonstrates an ability to make independent choices and express personal preferences

 •Discovers how personal actions affect others and begins to accept consequences

 •Negotiates transitions and routines with a developmentally appropriate attention span

 •Displays satisfaction with completed tasks

 •Utilizes conflict resolution and problem solving skills

 •Initiates learning activities with a positive attitude


B.  Social Relationships and Cooperation

 •Develops positive classroom relationships with peers and adults

 •Demonstrates appropriate classroom behaviors (sharing, taking turns, cooperation)

 •Participates in group activities

 •Communicates with others regarding personal feelings and experiences

 •Politely asks and gives help to peers and adults

 •Identifies family members and develops awareness of individual roles in the family



8.  Social Studies


A.  Global

 •Begins to understand the relationship between places and locations

 •Demonstrates appreciation and respect for the environment and world

 •Develops an awareness of diverse cultures and traditions

 •Begins to recognize that each person is unique in traits, abilities and personality


B.  Community

 •Develops an awareness of roles and careers

 •Recognizes symbols found in their environment such as traffic signals and railroad crossing signs

 •Begins to understand object positions and vocabulary such as up, down, around, behind, etc.

 •Uses behaviors of good citizenship to promote a positive sense of community

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